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Error 400 Troubleshooting

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    Error 400 troubleshooting

    Error 400 occurs when you attempt to use a version of our app that is not compatible with the credentials provided to you. This error typically happens if you’ve installed a different version of the app than the one recommended in our setup instructions.

    What Does Error 400 Mean?

    Error 400 indicates that the app version you’ve installed is not configured to work with our service. Each version of our app is tailored to specific configurations, and using the wrong version can lead to issues such as this error.

    Common Scenarios:

    1. Installing a Different Version:
      • If you’ve downloaded the app from a source other than the one we provided, or if you’ve installed a version that is not specifically configured for our service, you will encounter Error 400.
      • Solution: To resolve this, please uninstall the current version of the app and install the correct version provided in the email you received during your subscription setup. This version is specifically designed to work seamlessly with the credentials and configurations we provide.
    2. Using the Correct Version:
      • Always ensure that you download and install the app from the official link or source provided in our communications. This will prevent compatibility issues and ensure that your credentials work as intended.

    Need Assistance?

    If you continue to experience Error 400 after installing the correct version or if you have any other questions, please contact our support team. We’re here to help ensure that you have the correct setup for a smooth streaming experience.

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