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Error 458 troubleshooting

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    Error 458 troubleshooting

    If you’ve encountered Error 458 while using our app, it indicates that you are trying to stream content from multiple devices on different networks simultaneously. This error is a safeguard to ensure that our service is used within the terms of your subscription, allowing up to five devices to stream concurrently, provided they are all connected to the same network.

    What Does Error 458 Mean?

    Error 458 typically occurs when you attempt to stream on a device that is not connected to the same network as your other devices. For instance, if you are streaming on a TV at home and then try to stream on your mobile phone at work, you’ll encounter this error. Our system restricts streaming to devices on a single network to prevent unauthorized use across different locations.

    Example Scenario:

    Imagine you have three TVs and two smartphones connected to your home Wi-Fi. You can stream content on all five devices simultaneously without any issues. However, if you leave home and try to stream on your phone while your family continues to stream on the TVs at home, you’ll receive Error 458.

    To resolve this, simply ensure that all your streaming devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

    Persistent Issues? Check Your Router Settings

    If you’re still encountering Error 458 even when all devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network, the issue might be related to your router’s configuration. Specifically, if your router is set up to use IPv6, it might assign different IP addresses to your devices, causing the system to mistakenly detect them as being on different networks.

    To resolve this, you can change your router settings from IPv6 to IPv4. You can usually do this by logging into your router’s settings. If you’re unsure how, simply search online for instructions specific to your router model.

    Need Help?

    If you continue to experience issues or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help ensure you have the best streaming experience possible.

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